Generally it has been quite leisurely. I have welcomed this very much but it is moving by so quickly. I realised for sure that I feel really safe and content here and that is quite something really. I have taken this very much for granted and have to remind myself to cast my mind back to the day before leaving especially when i was doubting what i might be letting myself in for. Uganda is a wonderful place to be.
Thankfully there has been no power shortages in Dewe and I have been able to fo

Much to my irritation, I have managed to catch both of England's pitiful displays. I quite enjoyed Brazil v Korea though. At home, I would be submerging myself in the hate that must be filling the air across england at the moment.
In nature, I have been kept awake by bats flying around my room and walking about on my mosquito net. There was also another Mr Lizard perched on top of the mosquito net the other day.
Tomorrow I will be witnessing a musical display by some local creative groups. We are also planning to row to a place called Paradise Island, a small island in the lake - which is now owned by a Muzungo - which was one of Idi Amin's favourite jaunts back in the day. Lutembe beach nearby is also a former favourite resort. The beach now is in some disrepair. There is the remnants of a concrete road on the dirt track, the concrete having been laid because of the former leader's wishes.

I have managed to bequeath onto the local team Dewe FC the boots from Boots for Africa. This was met with great joy but during training afterwards the wooden goal posts kept falling down. And one of the children kept crying when i took photos.
Just so you know, this is an amazing blog - you should not stop writing when you get back. I love it.